Riflessioni sul Perdono, sulla Dignità e sulla Riconciliazione
Mohammad Imam Aziz

1. I negoziati di pace, generalmente, sono incentrati sulle dimensioni politica ed economica. Quale è la Sua percezione della necessità di toccare aspetti più profondi e genuini della riconciliazione e come si può ottenere questo?
Reconciliation shall never be realized nor be everlasting without any local fondation. Without (involving) people who will continue their life in the society in which we would like to reach eternal peace, we will not be able to identify which doctrins regarding reconciliation that extend contribution to peace. The most important aspect in grass root reconciliation is which indigenous, done by and within local society.
2. Quali sono le condizioni nelle quali, al di là dell’assicurare gli interessi della parti in conflitto, può essere stabilito un processo incentrato su un senso di equità e dignità?
The ability to make dialogue to society, looking through the reality either the obvious or invisible one, being patient to confront the obstacles are essential things. We realize that available knowledge treasure has limited capacity to comprehend the social dynamics (memory, trauma, traumatic) that can not be seen only from one dimension due to complications in the inside of it.
3. Quanto il perdono è essenziale alla dimensione della riconciliazione? Alla radice della Sua cultura politica e/o della Sua fede religiosa quali sono i principi che implicano o escludono il perdono? Quali versi o detti che fanno parte del Suo personale patrimonio spirituale possono, nella sua opinione, avere un significato universale
In our tradition, apologizing is considered to have higher value as the manifestation of humility, dan reconciliation in local level is more often manifestated in struggling for felling guilty, then trying to find the truth. In Al Qur’an many mentioned about command to apologize, one of them is “Istigfar“, in Arabic Astagfirullahaladzim (forgive me). This is a way to confess individually and social about is made mistake.
4. Il perdono richiede qualche forma di pentimento da parte di coloro a cui il perdono viene offerto? Il perdono ha condizioni o è senza condizioni?
Conflicts in the past, particularly that has structural characterictics, left deep social scars, either to victims, doers, or groups identified as ‘by stander’ – people that did not (feel themselves) to get involved in the conflicts. All three social communities above have social memory of their own made up by experiences, knowledge, class and gender. In cultural reconciliation, those three ‘memory block’ are important to be dismantled, and each of them is called to a cultural meeting. “Truth” than needs not to be fought for each other, because naturally each of them shall struggle to be against of forgeting it. To remember and to forget become ‘critical’ thing, because people and society should look back into (un)conciousness threshold. The process of cultural reconciliation, thereby it is not merely inviting some parties to attend a meeting and sign for ‘peace pact’, but a process of making agreement to ownself, propose for peace to ownself, being peaceful to the old times, and see the future without any kinds of individual and collective trauma.