What we do

We foster reconciliation and peace by placing human dignity and the human dimension at the heart of all our endeavors.

Our programs adopt an integrated approach that combines peace, security, and development aiming to transform the precursors and legacies of conflicts – ranging from trauma to hate, from prejudice to revenge, from fear to anger and beyond – into dialogue, forbearance, understanding, empathy and mutual collaboration for a shared future.

Until these human aspects are addressed and overcome, personal and collective memories of suffering will return, hindering progress towards peace and development and trapping populations in new cycles of violence and revenge.

Areas in which we work:

Mediation and Dialogue

  • We create platforms for mediation, reconciliation, and political and social dialogue involving key actors at local, national and international levels
  • We promote a political culture of peace, nonviolence, forgiveness, and individual and collective dignity
  • We protect and affirm human dignity, gender and legal equality
  • We promote cultural and political pluralism and the principles of democracy and the rule of law

Security and Development

  • We promote human security interventions in order to support peace processes and sustainable development
  • We assess the social, economic, and security needs of fragile communities to implement initiatives that help reduce poverty and inequality through the improvement of living conditions, better access to health and the creation of opportunities and alternatives to conflict, violence and terrorism
  • We develop and advocate for locally inspired integrated action plans shared with relevant national and international stakeholders
  • We promote the rise of a shared collective consciousness in order to strengthen the capacities and cohesion of fragile and vulnerable communities

Education and Culture

  • We promote access to education for vulnerable communities
  • We promote academic and vocational training activities in collaboration with local and international entities
  • We promote cultural activities for the preservation of local traditions and social cohesion
  • We promote the creation of communication and media platforms

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