The CSP Becomes the Cadre Stratégique Permanant pour la Paix, la Sécurité et le Développement (CSP-PSD) (Permanent Strategic Framework for Peace, Security, and Development)

Today saw the conclusion of two days of meetings in Djounhan, in the Kidal region of northern Mali, between the Coordination of Azawad Movements (CMA), the Platform Movements of Algiers of June 14, 2014, and Inclusivity (CMI) for the establishment of the Permanent Strategic Framework for Peace, Security, and Development (CSP-PSD), thus following up on […]

Menaka Referral Health Center Receives Two Ambulances Thanks to Ara Pacis

Consegna ambulanze al Centro di salute di Menaka. Dicembre 2022 (2)

Today, December 14, a ceremony was held for the delivery of two ambulances to the Menaka Referral Health Center in northern Mali. The donation is part of an initiative in collaboration with the local NGO ADPEN and with the support of General Alhaji Ag Gamou (President of GATIA) to support the population of the region, […]

Il sito della Fondazione Pax Humana è in arrivo!