Rome Principles Agreement, Historic Signing between Northern Armed Movements and the Malian Government

Rome, February 2, 2022 – Ara Pacis Initiatives for Peace mediates the historic signing of the Rome Principles Agreement between the signatory movements of the Algiers Agreement and the Malian government.

The Agreement is the result of four days of meetings mediated by Ara Pacis Initiatives for Peace Onlus, culminating in the signing of the “Rome Principles Agreement” by Malian Minister of Reconciliation Ismael Wagué, CMA President Bilal Ag Cherif, President of the Platform of June 14, 2014, Algiers, Hanoune Ould Ali, and, for the mediation, President of Ara Pacis Maria Nicoletta Gaida. The document establishes collaboration between the major northern armed movements and the Malian government and integrates the participation of traditional community leaders and women’s and youth organizations in the CSP (Cadre Stratégique Permanent), a union of armed movements launched in Rome in May 2021 in the presence of Foreign Minister Di Maio, also mediated by Ara Pacis.

This Agreement aims to promote peace, security, and stability in the northern territories and, by extension, throughout the country and the entire Sahelo-Saharan area, in support of the implementation of the Algiers Agreement. To this end, the objectives and principles guiding the governance definition of the coordination, now called the Cadre Stratégique Permanent pour la Réconciliation, la Sécurité et le Développement, have been specified.

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