Today, December 14, a ceremony was held for the delivery of two ambulances to the Menaka Referral Health Center in northern Mali.

The donation is part of an initiative in collaboration with the local NGO ADPEN and with the support of General Alhaji Ag Gamou (President of GATIA) to support the population of the region, which has been resisting violent offensives by the terrorist group EIGS since last March, exacerbating the already fragile security and stability conditions.
In June 2022, two ambulances, two 4×4 vehicles, and various medical equipment were delivered to the Menaka Referral Health Center in a joint effort to strengthen the region’s healthcare services.
The delivery ceremony was attended by Menaka’s regional authorities, including its governor, who gratefully welcomed the initiative; the president of the transitional college of the Menaka district; the mayor of Menaka; some representatives of international organizations; the heads of the Regional Health Directorate; and Moussa Ag Acharatoumane, member of the National Transition Council, president of the NGO ADPEN, member of the CSP, and founder of the MSA.