Jewels of the Sahel, the Capsule Collection by Alexandra Mor

Chiriet, Niger, 02/12/22 – Jewels of the Sahel, part of the Sahara Peace Hub initiative by Ara Pacis in Niger, presents the capsule collection by Alexandra Mor.

At the Festival de l’Air, haute couture jewelry designer Alexandra Mor presented the capsule collection Jewels of the Sahel, an initiative promoted by Ara Pacis and the Noor Foundation, chaired by the First Lady of Niger, H.E. Khadija Bazoum, as part of their partnership.

The collection is inspired by centuries of heritage, knowledge, and craftsmanship of the nomads of the Sahara and the Sahel. Each piece of jewelry will be crafted by Tuareg artisans, who, together with designer Mor, will shape this initiative aimed at promoting and supporting local culture and skills.

Part of the proceeds from the collection, which will be launched in New York in the spring of 2023, will be used to build a “House for Artisan Jewelry” to promote local traditions with a focus on developing productive, manufacturing, and entrepreneurial skills.

The presentation also featured the participation of Lorenzo Jovanotti, Bombino, and Tinariwen – global music legends – who, along with Ara Pacis, are visiting the country to launch the project “A House for the Music of the Sahara.”

The two “Houses” are integral parts of the Sahara Peace Hub – Niger, an attraction center for peace and socio-economic development through the provision of basic health, educational, and energy services, vocational training, support for income-generating projects, innovative agricultural practices, and socio-cultural programs.

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