Conference “The Human Dimension of Peace. Towards a political culture of forgiveness and reconciliation” (2012)
The Necessary Truth, an audiovisual archive of memory for the victims of extreme violence in Libya (2013-2015)
Signing of the Reconciliation Agreement between Tebu and Awlad Suleiman of Fezzan at the Viminal (2017)
Promotion of the joint declaration between the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Niger (2021)
Signing of the Letter of Intent for the creation of the Pax Humana Hub, an independent strategic and operational centre for peace, security and development in the wider Mediterranean. An initiative of Ara Pacis Initiatives for Peace in collaboration with Luiss Guido Carli University, Sky TG24, ENI, Terna and Coldiretti (2021)
Promotion of the Joint Declaration between the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Ministry of Malians Abroad and African Integration of the Republic of Mali (2021)
Event “Pax Humana, a year of training and prospects for peace in the Afro-Mediterranean space” (2022)
Training young Malians in management and journalism in collaboration with Luiss Guido Carli University and SkyTG24 (2021)