Ara Pacis Supporting the Health of Northern Mali Communities

Menaka, Mali, June 29, 2022 – Ara Pacis donates two ambulances, two 4x4 vehicles, and various medical equipment to the Menaka Referral Health Center.

Menaka, a region in northern Mali bordering Niger, has been resisting a violent offensive by the terrorist group EIGS since March, which has compromised its stability and worsened its already fragile security conditions.

As part of an initiative to support the region’s population in collaboration with the local NGO ADPEN, Ara Pacis has delivered two ambulances, two 4×4 vehicles, and various medical equipment to the Menaka Referral Health Center. As stated by the Governor of the Menaka region, “this donation will help meet the region’s healthcare needs, especially now that the Menaka Referral Health Center is receiving a large number of people with trauma or injuries daily. The donation of these materials aligns perfectly with the Menaka region’s 2019-2023 health and social development plan.”

The delivery ceremony was attended by Menaka’s regional authorities, including its governor; the president of the transitional college of the Menaka district; the mayor of Menaka; representatives of the Malian armed forces; several officials from the Regional Health Directorate; and Moussa Ag Acharatoumane, member of the National Transition Council, president of the NGO ADPEN, spokesperson of the CSP, and founder of the MSA.

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