Ara Pacis Signs the Letter of Intent for the Creation of Pax Humana Hub

Rome, April 21, 2021 – Pax Humana Hub is established, the strategic and operational center for peace, security, and development in the Afro-Mediterranean region, promoted by Ara Pacis Initiatives for Peace in collaboration with Luiss Guido Carli University, Eni, SkyTG24, Coldiretti, and Terna S.p.A.

Today, the Letter of Intent for the creation of Pax Humana Hub, the new strategic and operational center for peace, security, and development in the Mediterranean basin, Africa, and the Balkans, was signed.

The initiative, conceived and promoted by Ara Pacis, aims to implement concrete projects in research, training, communication, and entrepreneurship to contribute to the pacification, stabilization, integration, and economic and cultural development of the area. Specifically, Pax Humana Hub aims to provide strategic and operational solutions in critical geopolitical and geoeconomic areas, with the intent to establish and consolidate a fair and coordinated partnership with the countries of the region.

Il sito della Fondazione Pax Humana è in arrivo!